Jaipur, India, January 13, 2007
This story is from my Journey in India
It's hot and sunny for our first day in Jaipur. We start our day with a trip to the the Maharajah's palace. As we enter the Palace grounds we see some unusual things.
This snake charmer is adamant that I should wrap his cuddly cobra around my neck for this photo but I graciously decline. You can tell by the distance Aw is from me for this photo that she isn't a big fan of snakes either. I kept motioning her to come closer and she just kept shaking her head. The only real danger here is the 'charmer' himself. He expects money for this little show. And we are not going anywhere until he gets it...'as you like'.
This story is from my Journey in India
It's hot and sunny for our first day in Jaipur. We start our day with a trip to the the Maharajah's palace. As we enter the Palace grounds we see some unusual things.

I would be keeping my distance too!
Love your blog - maybe someday I can get out there travel full time. There's really so much to see. I see that you are nominated for Best Travel Blog on the Blogger's Choice Awards, so I gave you a vote.
Thanks for sharing your adventures!
Wow! You have reached Jaipur! Where to next?!!! :-)
Have a safe trip. We are with you on your blog.
Pisanu, Sofia, Morgan
aaron: I wish you a life of adventure and travel! And thank you so much for the vote. It means a lot to me.
pisanu for bisean: I am honored to have you share my Journey. Stay tuned for elephants and camels!
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