On Saturday, Ayako started her Canadian adventure with a good Canadian breakfast at Ricky's Restaurant,

where she met her new friend, Jessica.

Jessica is a student who has studied and travelled in Japan.

Then my Carpentry partner; Ted; joined us for a trip to the Royal Terril Museum in Drumheller. We stopped at Horseshoe Canyon to see the badlands, where the Dinosaur bones have been found.

The Museum itself is fascinating and beautiful to see.

But as Ted and Ayako found out; it can be a dangerous place.

It seems that everything wants to eat you here!

Fortunately, Ayako made a new friend here.

When we left the Museum, we went back to Calgary for some Vietnamese Soup with Geeta. Then I took Ayako to an Irish Pub for desert. I said: "If you think those dinosaurs were big, wait til you see the Mud Pie they serve here!"

Ayako has lots of spirit and she is a joy to have here in Canada. She kind of reminds me of a puppy. she is full of energy but when she needs to sleep, she sleeps.

where she met her new friend, Jessica.

Jessica is a student who has studied and travelled in Japan.

Then my Carpentry partner; Ted; joined us for a trip to the Royal Terril Museum in Drumheller. We stopped at Horseshoe Canyon to see the badlands, where the Dinosaur bones have been found.

The Museum itself is fascinating and beautiful to see.

But as Ted and Ayako found out; it can be a dangerous place.

It seems that everything wants to eat you here!

Fortunately, Ayako made a new friend here.

When we left the Museum, we went back to Calgary for some Vietnamese Soup with Geeta. Then I took Ayako to an Irish Pub for desert. I said: "If you think those dinosaurs were big, wait til you see the Mud Pie they serve here!"

Ayako has lots of spirit and she is a joy to have here in Canada. She kind of reminds me of a puppy. she is full of energy but when she needs to sleep, she sleeps.
That pie really IS frightening!
Having a big fun, eh?
HEEEEY Ayako ! Hajimemashite, Steve san.
I should have checked here earlier.
Ayako, you look pretty in the photos more than ever.
It's wonderful to know you're having a precious times up there.
Steve san and his friends seem greatly kind to you.
I hope the rest of your stay is as much fun. I can easily guess the magic time make you don't wanna leave the wonderful maple country, but please don't forget about people in Japan waiting for you come back ;)
Well,but if you decide to stay there, I can wait. But only 100 years;) haha
Carpe Diem !!!
that girl in Tokyo.
Bozoette: I can't believe she ate the whoooooooole thing! I kept checking to make sure she wasn't feeding her food to a small dog under the table. Wow can that girl eat!
Ohio, Coneecheewah Kaori san: I think we should keep Ayako san in Canada for good! She is so wonderful. She looks prettier and happier every day. Why don't you come and join us too? I'll save some maple sugar for you!
Thanks Steve san;)
Sure, someday I will !!!
Hai!Kaori!Thank you very much to put nice comments!I love you.
Now I'm going to go dancing!Very fun!I made new friends!!I'll show you my cool friends pictures!!!
Have a nice day,And please wait 100year(funny!! )
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