I wrote about the Air France Fire that took place the day I was trying to fly to Calgary, where e I am now, but I wanted to show you the wonderful day I spent relaxing with some new friends and some very new Old Friends.

My sister, Melba Toasty, and my Mom, drove me and my hundred and forty pounds of baggage to Etobicoke, which is close to Pearson Airport. Vivyan and Dorian met us. I first contacted Vivyan in 2000 and we have been Internet twins ever since.

Vivyan is an avid gardener and she dug up some plants for Mel and Squiddy to take back with them to Waterloo.

Later on, Donna came over to join us for dinner. Donna has had a more exciting life than most of us would want. Just after she divorced her husband, he was shot by terrorists in South America. We hit it off like old friends, right from the start and had a wonderful talk.

Vivyan and Donna connected this way too and they have been great friends to each other through their recent struggles.

Dorian is a very unassuming man who brings a great calm to Vivyan's exuberance and helps keep things balanced in their lives. He is an artist who works with canvas and computer imagery. I find the more I get to know Dorian, the more I want to know. He is a kind, gentle Soul with tremendous insight into life. This picture exemplifies what I'm talking about but really, I think he was just resting like I was, after eating so much of the great food that Vivyan prepared for us. She's a wonderful cook and a great hostess.

That evening after we could eat no more, we talked and watched the 7 kittens at play. These are a couple of the loners from a local pet store. Vivyan wanted to help the kittens get used to people so they can be ready for their new homes.

Vivyan's sister even joined us for dinner. It was a day of Cats and Catnaps and great food. And especially great conversation.
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