On Saturday, June 11th, my dear friend Nancy Barbour had a massive heart attack in her home in Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada. Paramedics gave her CPR for half an hour and finally got her heart beating again. But she was in a coma and never regained consciousness. The following Tuesday, her sister, Pauline flew in from France and the following day, doctors took Nancy off life support since there was no brain function remaining.

Nancy was the woman who I mention in
Calgary to Thailand in 2 Minutes.
(this is a very recent picture of Nancy with her dog Mocha Java.)
There is a celebration of Nancy's life tonight at 7pm Central Standard time, in Winnipeg. Pauline asked me to write something for the service. Here's what I wrote.

I only knew Nancy for a short time but our connection was as family. In the last email she sent to me, on June 7th, she called me her brother. (This is the first picture I ever took of Nancy. We went on a picnic together in Calgary with her dog, Tucker, who died last year.)
Just after I first met Nancy in October 2000, I fell off a roof and ruptured two vertebrae in my neck. Nancy barely knew me but she took me into her home and nursed me back to health.

When Nancy graduated from from the University of Calgary with her bachelor of Arts in 2001, I was honored to escort her to her commencement and share the moment.
Nancy challenged me to open my thinking and look beyond the conventions of Society. She irritated me sometimes. She challenged me to get out of my comfort zone and explore larger worlds. She was a difficult person to be with sometimes. I couldn't get away with speaking in old tapes around her.
She helped me move out of my old hypnosis and see new visions. What I learned from her, I am applying every day.

The greatest compliment I can give a person, I give to you now Nancy. You didn’t make me want to be like you. You made me want to be like Me. Even though we are not related by blood, you are my sister and I love you.

Nancy was the woman who I mention in
Calgary to Thailand in 2 Minutes.
(this is a very recent picture of Nancy with her dog Mocha Java.)
There is a celebration of Nancy's life tonight at 7pm Central Standard time, in Winnipeg. Pauline asked me to write something for the service. Here's what I wrote.

I only knew Nancy for a short time but our connection was as family. In the last email she sent to me, on June 7th, she called me her brother. (This is the first picture I ever took of Nancy. We went on a picnic together in Calgary with her dog, Tucker, who died last year.)
Just after I first met Nancy in October 2000, I fell off a roof and ruptured two vertebrae in my neck. Nancy barely knew me but she took me into her home and nursed me back to health.

When Nancy graduated from from the University of Calgary with her bachelor of Arts in 2001, I was honored to escort her to her commencement and share the moment.
Nancy challenged me to open my thinking and look beyond the conventions of Society. She irritated me sometimes. She challenged me to get out of my comfort zone and explore larger worlds. She was a difficult person to be with sometimes. I couldn't get away with speaking in old tapes around her.
She helped me move out of my old hypnosis and see new visions. What I learned from her, I am applying every day.

The greatest compliment I can give a person, I give to you now Nancy. You didn’t make me want to be like you. You made me want to be like Me. Even though we are not related by blood, you are my sister and I love you.
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