Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Koh Tao Coffee Cup

Somsoc writes me when she gets and inner nudge to pass on information. She asked me on March 4th: "Steve, Just curious, do you have any connection to the name of David?" Yesterday I received a letter from a dear friend who's new lover is named David.

After reading my email, I ordered some coffee and this was the cup it was served in. It was only when I looked at the name on this cup that I remembered Somsoc's question. Somsoc wrote me again today and said she kept seeing the names alternating: Steve/ David Steve/David. Remember, you read it here first. We'll just leave this in the category of things that go bump in the night for now. And thank you Somsoc for all that you do.


Anonymous said...


somsoc said...

I love the cup.