I knew I would enjoy having a Blog but I didn’t know It would be this much fun. From the start I have received encouragement and made some new friends, all from the serendipity of this Blog hurled into Cyberspace. There’s an old saying: “Strangers are just friends you haven’t met.” That sure seems to be the case here. 'Somsoc' started her Blog at the same time I did and we have drawn off each other’s ideas. I only know that she's a Gemini like me, she's a teacher, and she lives in Dayton, Ohio. We have both been doing movie reviews on a Movie neither of us has even seen yet; 'What The Bleep Do We Know'. (Which, I'm told, is a very interesting statement once you see the movie.) Then there’s 'B$', who is a 24 year old Lab Tech in Ottawa. She is a woman not afraid to talk about her heart felt sentiments on life. She has given me some very warm encouragement. My favorite comment from her, is one that I know she meant out of respect but I find humorous at the same time. She says in my Post: ‘Things I’m not writing about’: “You are a great writer. Even with nothing to write about it's still interesting.” My family have been saying that to me for years. Or as my Mom would say: “Steven, try to have an unexpressed thought.” Thank you B$, I appreciate your comments very much. Then there is 'Belle', a 22 year old student from the United States who described my first Post as "absolutely beautiful". All three just happened onto my Blog and I really have no idea who they are. They're just friends I haven't met. I have to thank my sister, the infamous Melbatoasty, my partner in crime, for all she does to help me in getting my Blog rolling. Melissa is an accomplished Blogographer herself. She has been an inspiration to many people who check in on her Blog: Pioneer Woman With A Cell Phone, on a regular basis. When she has her Blog in full swing she gets five hundred hits on her site every day. My Mom got so caught up in the action that she has even started a Blog now called 'Point Taken'. We call her 'Squiddy' and she calls us late to dinner. I'm proud of her. She has always been my dear friend and I love her very much. She has written two books which she is in the process of getting published right now.
Trumped With Joy
Of all the comments, the most thrilling came from none other than Donald Trump. Yes, you heard me, ‘The Donald, himself. Last Wednesday I received a letter in my mailbox, by special courier from Trump Towers from the man himself. It was a card wishing me well on my Trip to Thailand. At first I doubted the authenticity of the dispatch but after careful examination of the postmark by Postal Forensic Experts, I was able to determine that it was indeed from Mr ‘You’re Fired!’ himself.
All I can say is thank you Mr Trump (may I call you Donny? No? Okay…)
Favorite Typo
When I was describing the second time Vivyan and Dorian met romantically, in the Post 'Courageous Optimism', I mistakenly wrote: “This time there were no holes barred in their activities”. Ouch. I think I meant to say: “...no holds barred…” Thanks for pointing out the error, Squiddy. By the way, when my Mom saw this, she almost wet herself laughing…
Some of us tend to get lost in the crowd. You, dear Steve, want to lead the parade.
May this trip bring you everything you hope for and come back to us.
We'll miss you and continue loving you every minute..
That was so touching, I may never stop pouting...
Enjoy your journey,
I found your blog through Melissa! I'm looking to following your travels through Thailand, Steve.
Thanks, and by the way, I sent you an e-card. Since I didn't hear from you I presume you deleted it. That's o.k. You had no way of knowing it was from me.
wow... so soon you may be able to say you were fired by the best... I'm soooooooooooo impressed.
by the way... Martha Stewart is looking for a new apprentice if you are interested...
pinthepimple: Thank you very much for the information. Who knows where my journey may lead?
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